
/* Snippet name: [[GoogleMapMarker]]
 * Version: 1.0c for ditto v2+
 * Author: doze <>
 * Snippet to generate goolemaps map and place markers 
 * to the maps from documents.
 * Installation:
 * -------------
 * 1. Create a snippet "phx:slashandstrip" with this content:
 *    return addcslashes(preg_replace("~([\n\r\t\s]+)~"," ",$output), "'");
 * 2. Call the snippet in some document: [[GoogleMapMarker? &apikey=`ABQIA..`]]
 * How to place markers:
 * ---------------------
 * 1. Create a folder in MODx manager what will keep the marker documents, can be unpublished.
 * 2. Create a new document inside that folder what will be the marker
 *    - Title: Will be used as the marker "sidelink" text (example: My home)
 *    - Description: The coordinates for the marker (example: 63.098332,23.056698)
 *    - Document content: HTML to show in the marker popup. 
 *                        NOTE: You have to escape all ' characters by putting backslash before them, e.g. \'
 * 3. Add the &startID parameter to the snippet call pointing to the folder what has the marker documents
 *    example: [[GoogleMapMarker? &apikey=`ABQIA..` &startID=`52`]]
 * Example GoogleMapMarker template chunk (&tpl)
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * The template must have 2 divs. A div for the map and div for the side links. That's it.
 *  <div id="map" style="float:left; width: 350px; height: 350px;">Loading map...</div>
 *  <div id="maplinks" style="margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float: left; display: block; height: 350px; overflow: auto;"></div>

// Parameter default values configuration

// [text]
// The Google Maps api key to use (
$apiKey = (isset($apiKey)) ? $apiKey : "";

// [number]
// The ID number of the top folder that has google marker documents
$startID = (isset($startID)) ? $startID : "";

// [number]
// Number of levels deep to go
$descendentDepth = (isset($descendentDepth)) ? $descendentDepth : 1;

// [text]
// Field to sort by (recommended values include createdon, pub_date, editedon)
$sortBy = (isset($sortBy)) ? $sortBy : "createdon";

// ["DESC" | "ASC"]
// Direction to sort by, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending)
$sortDir = (isset($sortDir)) ? $sortDir : "ASC";

// [text]
// Chunk name to use as a template
$tpl = (isset($tpl)) ? $tpl : "";

// [text]
// Id name of the div where the map will be rendered
$mapDiv = (isset($mapDiv)) ? $mapDiv : "map";

// [text]
// Id name of the div where the marker links will be rendered
$linksDiv = (isset($linksDiv)) ? $linksDiv : "maplinks";

// [text]
// Class name to use in the marker links
$linksClass = (isset($linksClass)) ? $linksClass : "maplink";

// ["normal" | "satellite" | "hybrid"]
// Initial type of the map
$mapType = (isset($mapType)) ? $mapType : "normal";

// [latitude,longitude]
// Coordinates to the initial center position of the map
$centerPos = (isset($centerPos)) ? $centerPos : "63.098332,23.056698";

// [number]
// Initial zoomlevel for the map
$defaultZoom = (isset($defaultZoom)) ? $defaultZoom : "8";

// ["large" | "small" | "zoomonly" | "none"]
// Look of the controls to navigate / zoom the map
$mapControl = (isset($mapControl)) ? $mapControl : "large";

// ["large" | "small" | "none"]
// Look of the controls to change the map type
$mapTypeControl = (isset($mapTypeControl)) ? $mapTypeControl : "large";

// [0 | 1]
// When mouse cursor is moved over the map marker, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseOverMarker = (isset($openMouseOverMarker)) ? $openMouseOverMarker : 0;

// [0 | 1]
// When the map marker is clicked, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseClickMarker = (isset($openMouseClickMarker)) ? $openMouseClickMarker : 1;

// [0 | 1]
// When mouse cursor is moved over the textual marker link, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseOverLink = (isset($openMouseOverLink)) ? $openMouseOverLink : 0;

// [0 | 1]
// When the textual marker link is clicked, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseClickLink = (isset($openMouseClickLink)) ? $openMouseClickLink : 1;

// [0 | 1]
// Show overview map in the right bottom corner of the map?
$showOverviewMap = (isset($showOverviewMap)) ? $showOverviewMap : 1;

// [width,heigth]
// Size of the overview map
$overviewMapSize = (isset($overviewMapSize)) ? $overviewMapSize : "150,150";

// [0 | 1]
// Should the overview map be hidden by default? (arrow indicator visible at the bottom right corner)
$hideOverviewMapByDefault = (isset($hideOverviewMapByDefault)) ? $hideOverviewMapByDefault : 1;

// [text]
// Name of the Ditto snippet
$dittoName = (isset($dittoName)) ? $dittoName : "Ditto";

// Start of snippet code

if($apiKey != "") {

    $script = '
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // addEvent scripts written by Dean Edwards, 2005
            // with input from Tino Zijdel, Matthias Miller, Diego Perini

            function addEvent(element, type, handler) {
                if (element.addEventListener) {
                    element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
                } else {
                    // assign each event handler a unique ID
                    if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++;
                    // create a hash table of event types for the element
                    if (! = {};
                    // create a hash table of event handlers for each element/event pair
                    var handlers =[type];
                    if (!handlers) {
                        handlers =[type] = {};
                        // store the existing event handler (if there is one)
                        if (element["on" + type]) {
                            handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
                    // store the event handler in the hash table
                    handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler;
                    // assign a global event handler to do all the work
                    element["on" + type] = handleEvent;
            // a counter used to create unique IDs
            addEvent.guid = 1;

            function removeEvent(element, type, handler) {
                if (element.removeEventListener) {
                    element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
                } else {
                    // delete the event handler from the hash table
                    if ( &&[type]) {

            function handleEvent(event) {
                var returnValue = true;
                // grab the event object (IE uses a global event object)
                event = event || fixEvent(((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event);
                // get a reference to the hash table of event handlers
                var handlers =[event.type];
                // execute each event handler
                for (var i in handlers) {
                    this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i];
                    if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) {
                        returnValue = false;
                return returnValue;

            function fixEvent(event) {
                // add W3C standard event methods
                event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault;
                event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation;
                return event;
            fixEvent.preventDefault = function() {
                this.returnValue = false;
            fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() {
                this.cancelBubble = true;
            addEvent(window, "unload", GUnload);

            if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
                // Display the map, with some controls
                var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("'.$mapDiv.'"));
                // set initial center position
                map.setCenter(new GLatLng('.$centerPos.'),'.$defaultZoom.');
                //add controls to navigate / zoom

    if ($mapControl == "zoomonly") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl());';
    } else if ($mapControl == "large") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());';
    } else if ($mapControl == "small") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());';

    if ($mapTypeControl == "large") {
        $script .= '
                // add controls to change map type
                map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(0));';
    } else if ($mapTypeControl == "small") {
        $script .= '
                // add controls to change map type
                map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(1));';

        $script .= '
                //set initial map type
    if ($mapType == "normal") {
        $script .= '
    } else if ($mapType == "satellite") {
        $script .= '
    } else if ($mapType == "hybrid") {
        $script .= '
        $script .= '
                // arrays to hold copies of the markers and html used by the sidebar
                // because the function closure trick doesnt work there
                var sidebar_html = "";
                var gmarkers = [];
                var htmls = [];
                var i = 0;

                // a function to create the marker and set up the event window
                function createMarker(point,name,html) {
                    var marker = new GMarker(point);';

    if($openMouseClickMarker) {
        $script .= '
                    // event listener to open info on click
                    GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function(){

    if($openMouseOverMarker) {
        $script .= '
                    // The new marker "mouseover" listener
                    GEvent.addListener(marker,"mouseover", function(){

        $script .= '    
                    // save the info we need to use later for the sidebar
                    gmarkers[i] = marker;
                    htmls[i] = html;
                    // add a line to the sidebar html
                    sidebar_html += \'<div class="'.$linksClass.'"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ';

    if($openMouseClickLink) {
        $script .= 'onClick="myclick(\' + i + \')"';

    if($openMouseOverLink) {
        $script .= 'onMouseOver="myclick(\' + i + \')"';

        $script .= '>\' + name + \'</a></div>\';

                    return marker;

                // This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window
                function myclick(i) {
    if($startID != "") {

        $script .= $modx->runSnippet($dittoName,array('depth' => $descendentDepth, 'sortBy' => $sortBy, 'sortDir' => $sortDir, 'summarize' => 'all', 'displayArchive' => '0', 'tpl' => '@CODE:var point = new GLatLng([+description+]); var marker = createMarker(point, \'[+title:slashandstrip+]\', \'[+content:slashandstrip+]\'); map.addOverlay(marker);', 'parents' => $startID, 'showPublishedOnly' => '0'));

        $script .= '
                // put the assembled sidebar_html contents into the sidebar div
                document.getElementById("'.$linksDiv.'").innerHTML = sidebar_html;';

    if($showOverviewMap) {
        $script .= '
                // ======== Add a map overview ==========
                var ovcontrol = new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize('.$overviewMapSize.')); 
                map.addControl(ovcontrol,new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(10, 10)));';
    if($hideOverviewMapByDefault) {
        $script .= '
                //set hidden by default (without animation)
        $script .= '
            } else { // !GBrowserIsCompatible()
                alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");
            // This Javascript is based on code provided by the
            // Blackpool Community Church Javascript Team


    //register scripts

    if($tpl == "") {
        $returnstring = '
            <div id="'.$mapDiv.'" style="float:left; width: 350px; height: 350px;">Loading map...</div>
            <div id="'.$linksDiv.'" style="margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float: left; display: block; height: 350px; overflow: auto;"></div>
                <b>JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps.</b> 
                However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.
                To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then
                try again.
    } else {
        $returnstring = $modx->getChunk($tpl);
} else {
    if ($apiKey == "") {
        $returnstring = '
                        You have to provide a Google Maps API key to use!<br />
                        If you don\'t have one yet, go <a href="" alt="Sign up for the Google Maps API">here</a> to get it. NOTE: the api key is site/directory specific!<br /><br />


return $returnstring;


return addcslashes(preg_replace("~([\n\r\t\s]+)~"," ",$output), "'");


[!GoogleMapMarker? &apiKey=`AAA...`!]


<div id="'.$mapDiv.'" style="float:left; width: 350px; height: 350px;">Loading map...</div>
<div id="'.$linksDiv.'" style="margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float: left; display: block; height: 350px; overflow: auto;"></div>
<b>JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps.</b> 
However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.
To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then
try again.


[!GoogleMapMarker &apiKey=`AAA...` &tpl=`map_tpl` &mapDiv=`maparea` &linksDiv=`maplinksarea`!]


/* Snippet name: [[GoogleMapMarker]]
 * Version: 1.0c for ditto v2+
 * Author: doze <>
 * Snippet to generate goolemaps map and place markers 
 * to the maps from documents.
 * Installation:
 * -------------
 * 1. Create a snippet "phx:slashandstrip" with this content:
 *    return addcslashes(preg_replace("~([\n\r\t\s]+)~"," ",$output), "'");
 * 2. Call the snippet in some document: [[GoogleMapMarker? &apikey=`ABQIA..`]]
 * How to place markers:
 * ---------------------
 * 1. Create a folder in MODx manager what will keep the marker documents, can be unpublished.
 * 2. Create a new document inside that folder what will be the marker
 *    - Title: Will be used as the marker "sidelink" text (example: My home)
 *    - Description: The coordinates for the marker (example: 63.098332,23.056698)
 *    - Document content: HTML to show in the marker popup. 
 *                        NOTE: You have to escape all ' characters by putting backslash before them, e.g. \'
 * 3. Add the &startID parameter to the snippet call pointing to the folder what has the marker documents
 *    example: [[GoogleMapMarker? &apikey=`ABQIA..` &startID=`52`]]
 * Example GoogleMapMarker template chunk (&tpl)
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * The template must have 2 divs. A div for the map and div for the side links. That's it.
 *  <div id="map" style="float:left; width: 350px; height: 350px;">Loading map...</div>
 *  <div id="maplinks" style="margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float: left; display: block; height: 350px; overflow: auto;"></div>

// Parameter default values configuration

// [text]
// The Google Maps api key to use (
$apiKey = (isset($apiKey)) ? $apiKey : "";

// [number]
// The ID number of the top folder that has google marker documents
$startID = (isset($startID)) ? $startID : "";

// [number]
// Number of levels deep to go
$descendentDepth = (isset($descendentDepth)) ? $descendentDepth : 1;

// [text]
// Field to sort by (recommended values include createdon, pub_date, editedon)
$sortBy = (isset($sortBy)) ? $sortBy : "createdon";

// ["DESC" | "ASC"]
// Direction to sort by, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending)
$sortDir = (isset($sortDir)) ? $sortDir : "ASC";

// [text]
// Chunk name to use as a template
$tpl = (isset($tpl)) ? $tpl : "";

// [text]
// Id name of the div where the map will be rendered
$mapDiv = (isset($mapDiv)) ? $mapDiv : "map";

// [text]
// Id name of the div where the marker links will be rendered
$linksDiv = (isset($linksDiv)) ? $linksDiv : "maplinks";

// [text]
// Class name to use in the marker links
$linksClass = (isset($linksClass)) ? $linksClass : "maplink";

// ["normal" | "satellite" | "hybrid"]
// Initial type of the map
$mapType = (isset($mapType)) ? $mapType : "normal";

// [latitude,longitude]
// Coordinates to the initial center position of the map
$centerPos = (isset($centerPos)) ? $centerPos : "63.098332,23.056698";

// [number]
// Initial zoomlevel for the map
$defaultZoom = (isset($defaultZoom)) ? $defaultZoom : "8";

// ["large" | "small" | "zoomonly" | "none"]
// Look of the controls to navigate / zoom the map
$mapControl = (isset($mapControl)) ? $mapControl : "large";

// ["large" | "small" | "none"]
// Look of the controls to change the map type
$mapTypeControl = (isset($mapTypeControl)) ? $mapTypeControl : "large";

// [0 | 1]
// When mouse cursor is moved over the map marker, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseOverMarker = (isset($openMouseOverMarker)) ? $openMouseOverMarker : 0;

// [0 | 1]
// When the map marker is clicked, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseClickMarker = (isset($openMouseClickMarker)) ? $openMouseClickMarker : 1;

// [0 | 1]
// When mouse cursor is moved over the textual marker link, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseOverLink = (isset($openMouseOverLink)) ? $openMouseOverLink : 0;

// [0 | 1]
// When the textual marker link is clicked, should the info box open on that marker?
$openMouseClickLink = (isset($openMouseClickLink)) ? $openMouseClickLink : 1;

// [0 | 1]
// Show overview map in the right bottom corner of the map?
$showOverviewMap = (isset($showOverviewMap)) ? $showOverviewMap : 1;

// [width,heigth]
// Size of the overview map
$overviewMapSize = (isset($overviewMapSize)) ? $overviewMapSize : "150,150";

// [0 | 1]
// Should the overview map be hidden by default? (arrow indicator visible at the bottom right corner)
$hideOverviewMapByDefault = (isset($hideOverviewMapByDefault)) ? $hideOverviewMapByDefault : 1;

// [text]
// Name of the Ditto snippet
$dittoName = (isset($dittoName)) ? $dittoName : "Ditto";

// [extenders]
$extenders = (isset($extenders)) ? $extenders : "tagging";
$tagData = (isset($tagData)) ? $tagData : "menutitle";
$tagDelimiter = (isset($tagDelimiter)) ? $tagDelimiter : ",";
$tags = (isset($tags)) ? $tags : "";

// Start of snippet code

if($apiKey != "") {

    $script = '
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // addEvent scripts written by Dean Edwards, 2005
            // with input from Tino Zijdel, Matthias Miller, Diego Perini

            function addEvent(element, type, handler) {
                if (element.addEventListener) {
                    element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
                } else {
                    // assign each event handler a unique ID
                    if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++;
                    // create a hash table of event types for the element
                    if (! = {};
                    // create a hash table of event handlers for each element/event pair
                    var handlers =[type];
                    if (!handlers) {
                        handlers =[type] = {};
                        // store the existing event handler (if there is one)
                        if (element["on" + type]) {
                            handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
                    // store the event handler in the hash table
                    handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler;
                    // assign a global event handler to do all the work
                    element["on" + type] = handleEvent;
            // a counter used to create unique IDs
            addEvent.guid = 1;

            function removeEvent(element, type, handler) {
                if (element.removeEventListener) {
                    element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
                } else {
                    // delete the event handler from the hash table
                    if ( &&[type]) {

            function handleEvent(event) {
                var returnValue = true;
                // grab the event object (IE uses a global event object)
                event = event || fixEvent(((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event);
                // get a reference to the hash table of event handlers
                var handlers =[event.type];
                // execute each event handler
                for (var i in handlers) {
                    this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i];
                    if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) {
                        returnValue = false;
                return returnValue;

            function fixEvent(event) {
                // add W3C standard event methods
                event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault;
                event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation;
                return event;
            fixEvent.preventDefault = function() {
                this.returnValue = false;
            fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() {
                this.cancelBubble = true;
            addEvent(window, "unload", GUnload);

            if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
                // Display the map, with some controls
                var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("'.$mapDiv.'"));
                // set initial center position
                map.setCenter(new GLatLng('.$centerPos.'),'.$defaultZoom.');
                //add controls to navigate / zoom

    if ($mapControl == "zoomonly") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl());';
    } else if ($mapControl == "large") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());';
    } else if ($mapControl == "small") {
        $script .= '
                map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());';

    if ($mapTypeControl == "large") {
        $script .= '
                // add controls to change map type
                map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(0));';
    } else if ($mapTypeControl == "small") {
        $script .= '
                // add controls to change map type
                map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(1));';

        $script .= '
                //set initial map type
    if ($mapType == "normal") {
        $script .= '
    } else if ($mapType == "satellite") {
        $script .= '
    } else if ($mapType == "hybrid") {
        $script .= '
        $script .= '
                // arrays to hold copies of the markers and html used by the sidebar
                // because the function closure trick doesnt work there
                var sidebar_html = "";
                var gmarkers = [];
                var htmls = [];
                var i = 0;

                // a function to create the marker and set up the event window
                function createMarker(point,name,html) {
                    var marker = new GMarker(point);';

    if($openMouseClickMarker) {
        $script .= '
                    // event listener to open info on click
                    GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function(){

    if($openMouseOverMarker) {
        $script .= '
                    // The new marker "mouseover" listener
                    GEvent.addListener(marker,"mouseover", function(){

        $script .= '    
                    // save the info we need to use later for the sidebar
                    gmarkers[i] = marker;
                    htmls[i] = html;
                    // add a line to the sidebar html
                    sidebar_html += \'<div class="'.$linksClass.'"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ';

    if($openMouseClickLink) {
        $script .= 'onClick="myclick(\' + i + \')"';

    if($openMouseOverLink) {
        $script .= 'onMouseOver="myclick(\' + i + \')"';

        $script .= '>\' + name + \'</a></div>\';

                    return marker;

                // This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window
                function myclick(i) {
    if($startID != "") {

        $script .= $modx->runSnippet($dittoName,array('depth' => $descendentDepth, 'sortBy' => $sortBy, 'sortDir' => $sortDir, 'summarize' => 'all', 'displayArchive' => '0', 'tpl' => '@CODE:var point = new GLatLng([+description+]); var marker = createMarker(point, \'[+title:slashandstrip+]\', \'[+content:slashandstrip+]\'); map.addOverlay(marker);', 'parents' => $startID, 'showPublishedOnly' => '0', 'extenders' => $extenders, 'tagData' => $tagData, 'tagDelimiter' => $tagDelimiter, 'tags' => $tags));

        $script .= '
                // put the assembled sidebar_html contents into the sidebar div
                document.getElementById("'.$linksDiv.'").innerHTML = sidebar_html;';

    if($showOverviewMap) {
        $script .= '
                // ======== Add a map overview ==========
                var ovcontrol = new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize('.$overviewMapSize.')); 
                map.addControl(ovcontrol,new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(10, 10)));';
    if($hideOverviewMapByDefault) {
        $script .= '
                //set hidden by default (without animation)
        $script .= '
            } else { // !GBrowserIsCompatible()
                alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");
            // This Javascript is based on code provided by the
            // Blackpool Community Church Javascript Team


    //register scripts
    $modx->regClientStartupScript(";v=2&amp;key=".$apiKey . '" charset="utf-8');

    if($tpl == "") {
        $returnstring = '
            <div id="'.$mapDiv.'" style="float:left; width: 350px; height: 350px;">Loading map...</div>
            <div id="'.$linksDiv.'" style="margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; float: left; display: block; height: 350px; overflow: auto;"></div>
                <b>JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps.</b> 
                However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.
                To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then
                try again.
    } else {
        $returnstring = $modx->getChunk($tpl);
} else {
    if ($apiKey == "") {
        $returnstring = '
                        You have to provide a Google Maps API key to use!<br />
                        If you don\'t have one yet, go <a href="" alt="Sign up for the Google Maps API">here</a> to get it. NOTE: the api key is site/directory specific!<br /><br />


return $returnstring;


[!GoogleMapMarker? &apiKey=`ABQ...` &startID=`1` &descendentDepth=`0` &tpl=`GoogleMapMarker_tpl` &centerPos=`34.686422,135.057335` &showOverviewMap=`0` &mapTypeControl=`none` &extenders=`tagging` &tagData=`menutitle` &tagDelimiter=`,` &tags=`CMS`!]
